How Does Coffee Become Decaf?


Have you ever wondered why coffee is so popular? If you have, you may have subsequently found out that not only the taste but caffeine is also involved in making coffee so popular. 

Caffeine is perhaps the most important thing the coffee. It works as an energy-booster, and suddenly we feel motivated after having a cup of coffee? But how does coffee become decaf and why do some people prefer decaf coffee over regular coffee? Let’s find some answers to these questions.

What Is Decaf Coffee?

When all or most of the caffeine content is extracted from coffee beans, the coffee becomes decaffeinated which is popularly known as decaf coffee. At least, 97% of the caffeine content should be removed to make what is called decaf coffee in a coffee forum

How Does Coffee Become Decaf?

Decaffeination of coffee takes a few steps and it all happens before roasting the beans. The steps are soaking the green, whole beans in the water, or solvent. 

When all of the caffeine content is drawn out, you need to take the beans out of the solvent. Then let them dry, and roast and grind afterwards. It may sound very easy, but it takes patience and some skillsets. 

That’s why these things are done by authorized people, or companies. There are also rules and regulations in regards to decaffeination that one must follow during the process. 

You will find many methods to decaffeinate coffee beans. However, the most common method is to immerse the beans in solvents, generally ethyl acetate or methylene chloride. These two chemicals can extract almost all of the caffeine content from coffee beans. Experts say that methylene chloride is safe to use in the decaffeination of coffee. 

Decaf Coffee

There is another method called the Swiss Water Process where the beans are immersed in water and activated carbon works as the strainer and extracts all the caffeine content from whole beans. 

However, the most expensive method is called the supercritical carbon dioxide process. In this method, the whole beans are soaked in water mixed with carbon dioxide, and then heated and pressurized at a critical point. When the process is done, all the caffeine content goes to a separate area in the vessel.  

Why Some People Prefer Decaf Coffee?

Caffeine is a great energy booster and at times, it effectively helps us to regain our motivation to get some work done. However, the problem starts when you are addicted to it. I mean, when you are addicted to coffee or beverage that contains caffeine, you may end up doing an overdose intake of caffeine. It may have a negative impact on your health. 

Some of the most common caffeine-related problems are insomnia, anxiety, restlessness, etc. Since coffee contains a huge amount of caffeine content, it’s good to limit your coffee intake to a couple of cups a day. Usually, a cup of coffee contains 90 mg of caffeine. 

However, when you fall in love with coffee, it may be a little difficult for you to have only a couple of cups a day. You might want more! Decaf can be a solution for you. This is why many people prefer decaf over regular coffee. Decaf tastes sweeter and has a lighter flavor; a lot of people find more enjoyment in the type of taste and flavor.


Hopefully, you have enjoyed the article and clearly understand how does coffee become decaf. The way coffee has become so popular could not be as such if it was not so diverse in so many ways. 

With the popularity of decaf, many are finding an alternative to regular coffee which is rich in caffeine and acidity. It is safe and enjoyable. If you haven’t yet tasted it, give it a try and let us know your new experience.   

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